Monday 16 May 2011

Feel Good Hit Of The Summer

"I was happy in the haze of drunken hour,
 but heaven knows I'm miserable now".

So, day six of this sickness.
Not sure if the drunken hours of last week helped, but for British India I will take it on the chin. Nothing left to do now but crawl up into a ball under my blanket and turn to my ipod for comfort. All that is left undone is the choice of playlist.

We have two choices at a moment like this, a playlist I like to call 'Sukkafish', consisting of the happy go luck stylings of Ben Lee, Devendra Banhart, and of course The Grates. This playlist reminds me that the world actually IS a bright and beautiful place, filled with adventure, loving family, and the kind of moments in which you wish you could freeze time and capture forever.

The second is a playlist I have not so suitably named 'Perfect Day', containing the likes of Lou Reed, Nick Cave and The Smiths. A playlist filled with so much despair it would have Robert Smith cringing. The songs in this playlist weren't written to bring smiles to faces, more so to shine a spotlight on the human races many faults, and try make sense of the darker subjects we experience on our way down.

I say choice, but we all know there really is only one option here. Times like these always call for the latter of the two playlist.
And i figure if I am going to be laying here wallowing in my own angst i may as well try and bring the rest of you down with me. So with that, here are my favourite 6 dark/depressing/heart wrenching songs i can pull from the list.

6. The Killers - Goodnight, Travel Well

5. Lou Reed - Caroline Says II

4. Interpol - Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down

3. Johnny Cash - Hurt


2. John Lennon - My Mommy's Dead

1. The Red Hot Chili Pepper - I Could Have Lied



I hope you thoroughly enjoy the tunes


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