Thursday 12 May 2011

A Saucerful of Secrets.

Shit, the world that is the Internet moves fast. The world that is Music, seems to moves twice as fast. 
I have been coasting on good intention and empty promises to Perf to get something up on this blog. 


To reiterate my opening statement, the world of Music won't slow down for any chump, not even yours truly. 
I was intending to use my first so called "blog", to write about the kick to the face of the world that took 30 years to be felt i.e. The Stooges self titled debut album.  
In between putting off doing this and getting ridiculously over hyped about Perf's news last night regarding every ones favourite shock rocker, scratch that, the original and one true shock rocker, Alice Cooper, my intention turned to writing my debut blog on the conceptual masterpiece that is 'Welcome to My Nightmare'. 

While still aiming on turning both these subjects into half witted rants about the current state of music, and the legacy our fathers have left, I have once again been side tracked by some even more exciting news.

EMI have announced that in the coming months they will be digging deep into the past of Pink Floyd, to come up with re-releases of the Floyd's 14 studio albums, remastered and in the form of box sets, some albums containing 5, 6 and even 7 discs. 
The box sets are said to contain unheard martial, live sets, demo version and more. The box set for 'Wish You Were Here', will contain a 20 minute live version of 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond', which has my heart racing at just the thought of hearing this gem.

Some people are instinctively going to call these releases an over-kill, and possible cash grab from the guys who are already amongst the richest rockers on the planet. 
Don't be a twat, running your mouth and such. 
It's Pink 'sonic experimentation' Floyd we are talking about here, a 24 hour release of Shine On would not be enough to satisfy some of the more die hard fans, not when considering the "turn on, tune in, drop out" attitude many of these fans possess, and I'm not referring to the oldies, they stopped dropping around the same time Bob Geldof turned into a wanker.      

What ever your opinion will be on these new releases from EMI, two things a for sure, the already bemusing number of albums sold world wide by Pink Floyd(a rumoured 200 million+) will continue to grow well into the future. And, my dad is going to have to buy another CD cabinet.


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