Tuesday 24 May 2011

Post Orgasm Addiction.

"ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with?"
                   - Buzzcocks, 1978.

The weekend has turned my world upside down. Just when I had Newcastle's secondhand record variety sussed, what with countless copies of Roger Daltrey solo albums and what seems like endless amounts of ratty damaged Fleetwood Mac I find these,

                                    "Love Bites" by Buzzcocks and

                                          "Brotherhood" by New Order,
both of which in near mint condition.

Buzzcocks though not quite as pivotal as The Sex Pistols, were a cutting edge punk band for their time and were one of the first punk bands to establish their own record label "New Hormones".

Last night I cued my needle up to the first song, "Real World" and was hit by a wall of noise that I knew had to be played on something better than my shitty non-amped AWA "logi-tech system"

You know that smack in the face you get when you listen to something that makes you wanna scream the lyrics though you don't really know them?

Well that's what this album is track after track.

Sure It hasn't got songs like "Orgasm Addict" (which the BBC refused to play) or "Oh Shit" from their earlier album, "Another Music in a Different Kitchen", but stop hatin' purist, this shits got emotion, this shits not a cocky stab at the charts, this shits got meaning and stuff. It's really the only way I can explain it without jamming it down your ear sockets myself.

Here's my pick from the album in video goodness.

                                             Fuck EMI and their shitty "We own this" bullshit.

Even though only their second LP, "Love Bites" made it to #13 on the U.K. album charts proving Buzzcocks to be as tight as any seasoned punk band of their time. Some say it even scared The Sex Pistols into breaking up the same year, I don't know I wasn't there.

If you want something a little more "outta left field" or can't hack The Sex Pistols, Buzzcocks are for you, they write angsty love songs and songs about ejaculating. What's not to like?


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