Tuesday 21 June 2011


I like lists. I mean i really like lists A LOT. In recent years it has gotten to the point that it could be described as more of a fetish then a like. Compiling, sorting, and ranking said lists are like a drug. 
The only thing I like to do more then make a list of music, is burning mixes for cute girls, it normally goes something like this, "you haven't heard of the new romantic period? I'll burn you a mix if you like?", "umm……sure." Incredible self indulgent, and doesn't work. Turns out its not sweet. But that's a whole other blog right there.

Back to the task at hand though, lists. Oh how i love lists. And no list make me more happy then the one I get to put together at the end of each year for the Triple J Hottest 100 count down. 
Picking my favourite songs for the year just past, takes weeks to finishes, and only minutes to listen to the two songs i voted for that make it into the entirety of the 100. I crave this. I lust after it. I pray for more oppitunities to tell myself how fly I am, especially in winter when the number of girls willing to accept my pretentious and wankful compact discs seems to dwindle. Turns out the big fella up there has a soft spot for me. My prays have been answered and a countdown is amongst us. Only this time it is to be our favourite Australia albums of all time we vote for. 

To be perfectly honest the idea of a Hottest 100 for Australian albums didn't strike me at first. Apart from the whole ranking stuff part, that i was all down for. But, Australian albums? Have i even liked 10 Australian albums over the years enough to put them in such holy a list? A list sent by God? Simple put, Yes.  
After actually sitting down amongst my cd and record collections it became apparent that this was going to become a much harder list to cut down to a mere 10. I spent the first few hours writing a list of albums i thought meant the most to Australian music industry and public two albums made me realise the list needed to be torn up and a new one written that was a lot more personal. The first being Machine Gun Fellatio's second album Paging Mr. Strike and the other Braxton Hicks by Jebidiah. Neither album changed the face of australian music, or were probably regarded as even being more then average albums by the general public. But at a time when i was still discovering that the music world hard more to offer then Fred Durst and the word fuck. Both these albums, in my opinion were a pretty good step in the right direction, and being able to see these bands on a semi regular basis just did all the more to confirm this. 

What could have been another chance make myself feel above it all has actually turned into a list of nostalgia.

10. The Grates - Gravity Won't Get You High

9. Ground Components - An Eye For A Brow. A Tooth For A Pick

8. Frenzal Rhomb - Sans Souci

7. Jebidiah - Braxton Hicks

6. Ragurgitator - Unit

5. Ben Lee - Ripe

4. Pnau - Pnau

3. Machine Gun Fellatio - Paging Mr. Strike 

2. Grinderman - Grinderman 

1. Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Primary Colours 

The number one spot would have been held by British India's Counter Culture however it was refused entry due to the fact it is an EP. 


This list took so much effort that I feel a few honourable mentions are in order. 
The Mess Hall - For The Birds
The Saints - I'm Strandard
Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds - Henry's Dream
Radio Birdman - Radios Appear
The Presets - Beams
British India - Guillotine
Xavier Rudd - To Let

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Stroke Me Gently.

It seems Bands and Recording Artists are pumping out albums quicker and quicker. But why?

Through fear of growing old and being forgotten?

or is it just simply they have so much music talent jammed into their skulls, that they have to purge as often as they can?

Or maybe I'm just too slow to keep up?

The Strokes having only released an album in March this year are back into the studio, hopefully not rushing it, to pump out an album, as bassist Nikolai Fraiture put it, "As soon as possible".

Julian Casablancas and The Strokes since 2001, have published 4 albums and all having huge success.

Not saying that Julian and the band don't know how to take a break, it took 6 whole years for them to release "Angles" in 2011.

Check out the vid for more on The Strokes' next album.

Another slightly more local band renowned for pumping out albums and said to be "The hardest working band in Australia" Nathan Farrall 2009.

British India.

It seems that once every six months this band are touring Australia and smashing a "new wave pub rock" into our faces.

Declan Melia and the band produced a nerve shattering debut album titled "Guillotine" in 2007, "Thieves" a year later and "Avalanche" in 2010.

My first experience with Guillotine was a song named, "Black & White Radio", listened to in Nathan Farrall's living room. It's the kind of song that that punches you in the Ear pipe then caresses audio seduction. I'd even say its the same for the entire album.

This may not convince you but it'll give you a fair idea.

"Thieves" in my opinion led the band to produce a more "mainstream", yet still ear shattering sound.
Songs like "God is Dead. (Now Meet the Kids)" had an enticing sound from a more experienced collaboration. I felt like it was more of a second listen album but definitely still had the British India sound.

This one's "I Said I'm Sorry"

"Avalanche" is the half-breed of both  previous albums, the "mainstream" sounds getting more "mainstream",
not that its a bad thing, bands need to work all possible angles to crack the market with diversity.
That said there are way more darker in all up in yo' shit songs than ever before.
"Beneath the Satellites" was the tune to crack the market for British India, gaining the band airplay on most commercial radio stations around Australia.

And for the "Hardcore" fans there's tracks like "Messiah" and "Safari".

Here's "Safari".

With this all said I've ranted too far.


Saturday 4 June 2011

I must be dreaming, please stop screaming

'Here I go again up and down alone all my friends went home years ago
All my toys are broken and so am I inside mum the carnival has closed years ago'

     -Alice Cooper, 1975

For a lot of people it might be a hard ask for them to name the very first LP they ever listened to on vinyl, but when the album in question is one that has had such an effect it brought with it nightmares and caused this listener to develop an unhealthy fear of spiders the answer never takes long to surface. 
Sounds ridiculous, right? I mean it's just music, how scary can it be? Two words. Alice. Cooper.

Christmas 2002, and a 14 year old Farrall receives his first record player. After a quick search through the olds record collection the discovery of the 1975 Alice Cooper solo debut "Welcome to my Nightmare" was well underway. One listen and to my own despair I was hooked. What at first sounded like you standard 70's art rock soon took a darker turn, with themes of murder, spousal abuse, necrophilia, and schizophrenia. With an already over active imagination that still haunts me today, it wasn't such a great idea to listen to the album alone in the dark of night, but that is exactly what made it so much fun.

After splitting with his band Cooper planned to write a concept album that brought the theatrics of his famous live shows into the studio. Shows which consisted an electric chair, hangings, masses of blood and at times a boa constrictor. The result was "Welcome to my Nightmare", which tells the story of Steven, a child/man stuck inside his own nightmares, eventual waking to find he has become a killer. Cooper used Lou Reeds backing band to write and record the music along with the legendary Bob Ezrin to produce. The king of late night horror, Vincent Price, was also brought in to do spoken word monologues, and would go on to appear in the TV special that followed. 

The music alone makes this one of the more memorable album of the 70's, but it is the story telling that really brings it to the forefront of 70's rock. The album starts off pretty light hearted, upbeat and at time humorous, with "Welcome to my Nightmare", the cabaret-esque "Some Folks", and "Black Widow"(which was the sole cause of the aforementioned fear of spiders), all stand outs, but the personal favourite off the first half of the album would have to be "Cold Ethyl", which tells the story of a man who has a relationship with a girl he keeps in his freezer.

'Ethyl's frigid as an Eskimo pie.
She's cool in bed,
She's gotta be 'cuz Ethyl's dead.'

Its not until towards the end of the record that it turns truly dark, with the trilogy of "Years Ago", "Steven", and "The Awakening". These three songs dive into in mind space of the protagonist and the results are twisted. Cooper uses his incredible writing to show the internal struggle of Steven being a child stuck inside a mans body, and the act of murder that follows. The music used during the three songs is equally as haunting, using strings, pianos and horns to create an atmosphere that will send shivers up you spine.

The album then ends with "Escape", and as the title suggest Steven evades capture, and leaves Stevens future up for debate. 

And with that Alice Cooper became the original 'Shock Rocker".
"Welcome to my Nightmare" made it as high as number 5 in the American billboard charts, but has developed a huge following since and is credited for being an influence on many of the future rock stars that grace our stages today, namely Marilyn Manson who it would be fair to say would not exist in the public eye if it had not been for Alice Cooper. 

Now here is the exciting part. As much as it pains me to do, I have come to the realisation that for From Camden To Compton to become successful in retail we a going to eventual need to offer something for sale, and here it is, an original print VG+ of "Welcome to my Nightmare", and all for the ridiculously low price of $55 AUD. If you find yourself interested you can contact us at fromcamdentocompton@yahoo.com  


Tuesday 24 May 2011

Post Orgasm Addiction.

"ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with?"
                   - Buzzcocks, 1978.

The weekend has turned my world upside down. Just when I had Newcastle's secondhand record variety sussed, what with countless copies of Roger Daltrey solo albums and what seems like endless amounts of ratty damaged Fleetwood Mac I find these,

                                    "Love Bites" by Buzzcocks and

                                          "Brotherhood" by New Order,
both of which in near mint condition.

Buzzcocks though not quite as pivotal as The Sex Pistols, were a cutting edge punk band for their time and were one of the first punk bands to establish their own record label "New Hormones".

Last night I cued my needle up to the first song, "Real World" and was hit by a wall of noise that I knew had to be played on something better than my shitty non-amped AWA "logi-tech system"

You know that smack in the face you get when you listen to something that makes you wanna scream the lyrics though you don't really know them?

Well that's what this album is track after track.

Sure It hasn't got songs like "Orgasm Addict" (which the BBC refused to play) or "Oh Shit" from their earlier album, "Another Music in a Different Kitchen", but stop hatin' purist, this shits got emotion, this shits not a cocky stab at the charts, this shits got meaning and stuff. It's really the only way I can explain it without jamming it down your ear sockets myself.

Here's my pick from the album in video goodness.

                                             Fuck EMI and their shitty "We own this" bullshit.

Even though only their second LP, "Love Bites" made it to #13 on the U.K. album charts proving Buzzcocks to be as tight as any seasoned punk band of their time. Some say it even scared The Sex Pistols into breaking up the same year, I don't know I wasn't there.

If you want something a little more "outta left field" or can't hack The Sex Pistols, Buzzcocks are for you, they write angsty love songs and songs about ejaculating. What's not to like?


Tuesday 17 May 2011

Can't Stand Me Now?

Just in case having security in the studio to record the above mentioned song wasn't enough, Pete Doherty has recently claimed that fellow Libertines front man, Carl Barat doesn't trust him anymore and that this is affecting them ever properly getting the band back together.

Um Pete, You were arrested for burgling his house. Maybe his feelings are just?

Though even after the burglary and Pete ditching their European tour. Carl has replied that he understands were Pete is coming from but there is no mistrust towards him.

Pete was booted from The Libertines subsequent to his drug addiction, in 2004 and was told not to return until he cleaned his act up.
But really how long can this go on? Pete says one thing and Carl Claims it to be false.

There's obviously some kind of drive from both of them with Carl telling a journalist in 2005,

"It may as well happen now, because its going to happen sometime"

The Pair have met several times, and had rumoured/chanced a reunion at least once a year it seems.

In April 2007, They were on stage together, in June of the same year they recorded a cover of Beatles song "A Day in the Life", for BBC Radio 2's rerecording of the album, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.

In 2008, Barat said he would re-unite but only to record an album and only between his other band, Dirty Pretty Things' commitments.

In 2009 The pair were offered millions to reform and play at the Reading and Leeds Festivals. Though Barat turned the offer down announcing that "I've just freed myself up, and the last thing I want to do is burden my mind".

And finally in March last year, the band was invited by The Arcade Fire to join them for the same festivals. The group even held a press conference at the Boogaloo Pub which turned into somewhat of a guerilla gig. The festival appearances were preluded  by 2 gigs at the HMV Forum one night for close friends and family and the second for hardcore fans.

Barat has never really had any negativity towards Doherty even referring to their relationship as "a friendship I cherish".

So how about it Pete? Bite the bullet control your shit and punch out a new album.
You know you've got one in you and it's about bloody time.


Monday 16 May 2011

Feel Good Hit Of The Summer

"I was happy in the haze of drunken hour,
 but heaven knows I'm miserable now".

So, day six of this sickness.
Not sure if the drunken hours of last week helped, but for British India I will take it on the chin. Nothing left to do now but crawl up into a ball under my blanket and turn to my ipod for comfort. All that is left undone is the choice of playlist.

We have two choices at a moment like this, a playlist I like to call 'Sukkafish', consisting of the happy go luck stylings of Ben Lee, Devendra Banhart, and of course The Grates. This playlist reminds me that the world actually IS a bright and beautiful place, filled with adventure, loving family, and the kind of moments in which you wish you could freeze time and capture forever.

The second is a playlist I have not so suitably named 'Perfect Day', containing the likes of Lou Reed, Nick Cave and The Smiths. A playlist filled with so much despair it would have Robert Smith cringing. The songs in this playlist weren't written to bring smiles to faces, more so to shine a spotlight on the human races many faults, and try make sense of the darker subjects we experience on our way down.

I say choice, but we all know there really is only one option here. Times like these always call for the latter of the two playlist.
And i figure if I am going to be laying here wallowing in my own angst i may as well try and bring the rest of you down with me. So with that, here are my favourite 6 dark/depressing/heart wrenching songs i can pull from the list.

6. The Killers - Goodnight, Travel Well

5. Lou Reed - Caroline Says II

4. Interpol - Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down

3. Johnny Cash - Hurt


2. John Lennon - My Mommy's Dead

1. The Red Hot Chili Pepper - I Could Have Lied



I hope you thoroughly enjoy the tunes


Thursday 12 May 2011

A Saucerful of Secrets.

Shit, the world that is the Internet moves fast. The world that is Music, seems to moves twice as fast. 
I have been coasting on good intention and empty promises to Perf to get something up on this blog. 


To reiterate my opening statement, the world of Music won't slow down for any chump, not even yours truly. 
I was intending to use my first so called "blog", to write about the kick to the face of the world that took 30 years to be felt i.e. The Stooges self titled debut album.  
In between putting off doing this and getting ridiculously over hyped about Perf's news last night regarding every ones favourite shock rocker, scratch that, the original and one true shock rocker, Alice Cooper, my intention turned to writing my debut blog on the conceptual masterpiece that is 'Welcome to My Nightmare'. 

While still aiming on turning both these subjects into half witted rants about the current state of music, and the legacy our fathers have left, I have once again been side tracked by some even more exciting news.

EMI have announced that in the coming months they will be digging deep into the past of Pink Floyd, to come up with re-releases of the Floyd's 14 studio albums, remastered and in the form of box sets, some albums containing 5, 6 and even 7 discs. 
The box sets are said to contain unheard martial, live sets, demo version and more. The box set for 'Wish You Were Here', will contain a 20 minute live version of 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond', which has my heart racing at just the thought of hearing this gem.

Some people are instinctively going to call these releases an over-kill, and possible cash grab from the guys who are already amongst the richest rockers on the planet. 
Don't be a twat, running your mouth and such. 
It's Pink 'sonic experimentation' Floyd we are talking about here, a 24 hour release of Shine On would not be enough to satisfy some of the more die hard fans, not when considering the "turn on, tune in, drop out" attitude many of these fans possess, and I'm not referring to the oldies, they stopped dropping around the same time Bob Geldof turned into a wanker.      

What ever your opinion will be on these new releases from EMI, two things a for sure, the already bemusing number of albums sold world wide by Pink Floyd(a rumoured 200 million+) will continue to grow well into the future. And, my dad is going to have to buy another CD cabinet.


Wednesday 11 May 2011

We're not worthy!


Well latest line up for Soundwave Revolution is out................. I'm Speechless.

I cant believe I just saw some chump on Twitter say "There is not one band on the SWR lineup that i would like to see". If This lineup wont get you there then why are you even surfing the Soundwave site? Go check Ministry of Sound or something.

Grab a seat and tape ya jaws shut:

Van Halen
Alice Cooper
Bad Religion
Machine Head
Sisters of Mercy
Alter Bridge
Versa Emerge
The Pretty Reckless.

Soundwave have reported that Motley Crue were also an option but went with something bigger.

I honestly don't know what else to say I'm just staring in awe at the line up so with that,

Here's the man himself.

We are so not worthy.

Perf. X.

You say you want a Revolution?

Soundwave Revolution anyone?

 I once claimed that Panic! At the Disco saved my life, maybe my life wasn't really in danger but "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" is a really catchy album. One that I have found, has really influenced a lot of up and coming popcore (yes I said popcore) bands.

From catchy electro fills and bridges to stand alone vocal styling. Whether you hate the band/music or not they have made an impact.

If Panic! isn't enough to get you to SWR. Here's a list of bands already announced.
Some kind of big names in there with more to come.

All Time Low,  Attack! Attack!. Black Veil Brides, Cro-Mags, Dashboard Confessional, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Devin Townsend, Every Time I Die, Face to Face, Four Year Strong, Framing Hanley, Funeral For a Friend, Gojira, Hatebreed, Hellogoodbye, Hellyeah, Hollywood Undead, Holy Grail, In This Moment, Kvelertak, Madina Lake, Make Do And Mend, Panic! at the Disco, Relient K, Set Your Goals, Skindred, Steel Panther, Story Of The Year, Street Dogs, Sum 41, Terrible Things, The Acacia Strain, The Damned Things, The Dangerous Summer, The Swellers, The Used, The Word Alive, This Providence, Thrice, Thursday, Times of Grace, Unearth, Watain, We Are The In Crowd, We Are The Ocean, Whitechapel, Yellowcard, Young Guns, Zebrahead.

In my opinion each and every one of these bands needs at least 2 more exclamation marks in their name.

Here's Johnny.

Johnny's people would like to state that unfortunately he will not be headlining.

And I would like to apologise to Fazz for using a Beatles lyric to announce a hardcore festival line up.

Perf. X.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Ah........ so how do we do this.

An email I sent to a major australian music store who for legal reasons will remain anonymous:


"Me and my business partner are thinking about starting an online record store. So, like, where do you get your stuff?"

Asked By: Anonymous


"Well mate, your Mum gives us one vinyl from your Dad’s collection each time we agree to perform oral sex on her.

Cheers for the question."

Blew my mind.

Heres Jagger.

Perf. X.

Mongos in Europe

Hey and welcome to us. Us is (or we are) Perf and Fazz, two likeminded guys who thought we'd start a record store and blog about vintage, alternative and almost popular but not too popular music.

In this blog you can expect to see reviews on albums and gigs, music and related news and also just listen to us speak our minds on whatever we damn well please. 

We collect vinyl, not always to listen to it, but always to enjoy owning it. We kind of thought it a little selfish to hoard all this quality music, so we will also selling some of the vinyl we write about.

Oh and heres Iggy.